News regarding N.D.Tiwary - governor of Andhra Pradesh in a sex encounter with three women in the governor's house is shocking, not because he is a governor but more because he is in an octogerian (80+ years old). In my view, he must be the brand ambassador for Viagra because of hs high libido at such an old age. Or he must join Osho to learn the right essence of phsyical fulfillment.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Am I living in a sexist society?
News regarding N.D.Tiwary - governor of Andhra Pradesh in a sex encounter with three women in the governor's house is shocking, not because he is a governor but more because he is in an octogerian (80+ years old). In my view, he must be the brand ambassador for Viagra because of hs high libido at such an old age. Or he must join Osho to learn the right essence of phsyical fulfillment.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Thank you Santa!!!!
It is my usual habit to give a title to my post before I write it. May be, because I usually know what I am writing. But today, my thoughts are not clear, and hence, I am waiting before I finish this post to find a suitable heading for this post.
The Christmas eve is the festival to celebrate the happiness. Santa Claus is loved by people around the world because the Saint visits his followers and shower them with joy and happiness. What does Santa expect us in return??? I suppose, Nothing, because his karma is to spread happiness among the common people who are engulfed with tough situations and loads of problems.
I had a great Christmas eve at my friend's place yesterday and realized that something which money can't buy is the happiness. Just with my childhood friends, having a night out with them, drinking, remembering the old days - some good and some bad made all us happy. The good night sleep at 3:30 A.M was full of satisfaction.
So today afternoon, I thought why not I wish my other friends? So I started browsing through my mobile phone book and started calling my friends. The exercise brought me a pleasant suprise when I get to know that my college mate was sitting in Mumbai airport and waiting to take a flight for Delhi on vacation trip. We immediately made a program to meet on Sunday evening when we will have drinks and discuss the good time we had in the college. Another friend of mine has just come back from USA after three months of training and he told me about his amazing experience of still-the-world's richest country.
Sadly though, two of my friends disappointed. One didn't pick up the phone. He has this eternal program of only picking up the phone, when he needs my help. Else, he doesn't bother to. Still I thought, why not give it a try???
Another friend of mine, whom I consider her as my good friend, disconnected my call. Even she has this bad habit of doing the same at times. I felt disappointed because I called them up, not to ask them for any assistance, but to wish them Merry Christmas and tell that I wish a good 2010 year for them.
I wish they are happy and I hope it is just the coincidence that they didn't able to make up the call. Or else, may be they don't bother, because either they might be really busy that day or have too many good wishes in their kitty to collect anymore. Personally, I crave for blessings and good wishes because they are priceless. You might have hell lots of money, hundreds of friends, but a time might come when nobody are able to help them. In such times, these good wishes help a person come out of the tough situations.
I felt sad for few minutes, but later felt that may be it is not in my destiny to wish my two good friends. Henceforth, I called up two extra people from my phone book whom I ignored presuming that they are no longer friends.
The Christmas evening gave me a very good lesson, that one should not let other waiting for you. One should always try to respond to a call, or else make sure give a call back if you disconnect due to any reason. May be Santa Claus want to teach me this good lesson on Christmas eve and hence, let such thoughts come into my mind.
Thank you Santa!!!! (I think I can make this as my title for the post :)
Saturday, December 05, 2009
A real Big Boss around us
Similarly, we are also living a Bigg Boss life in our real world. It exists in the professional world and is felt by those who work in the multi nationals. I too belong to the same genre of people who earn bread and butter by working in a corporate world and feel the same bitchiness and friendliness exist around me that we so often see in Big Boss.
It has many similarities to the Big Boss House. Like Big Boss, there is no permanent friend in the corporate world. The person whom you think as your friend can be the one who is nominating you on your back. He can be the one who is leaking your dirty secrets to the people who might be targetting you. And why your friend is doing it... because he wants to move up in the ladder by putting you down.
Another similarity is the bitchiness. It is falsely assumed that people is corporate world work day and night. In fact why it takes day and night to work because people spend more time bitching about others than doing their work. Like Big Boss House where we see small groups coming up and criticizing others, we see small groups within the team that have been bitching about the common threats like a hard working person whom everyone see it as a threat to their rise.
Henceforth if someone criticizes Big Boss House serial, then I think it is the time for him to introspect and see how many Big Boss houses are opened around him and in how many he has been actively participating. The serial is nothing but is a mirror for the psyche that is prevelant in today's society. That's why we like to see it and evaluate.
Hence, I would suggest that it is the time for us to introspect and evaluate on how we can stop such Big Boss houses around us to thrive. The best remedy is not to participate in them. Rather than bitching about others, we must learn to overcome our own short comings. Keep doing the good work and have a faith in almighty. Even if he doesn't give you the materialistic happiness, it would surely deliver you the much needed salvation and power of faith, which would make you a happy person.
Sadly, we don't even think that at what cost the happiness and joy comes. It costs nothing but a smile from the heart. And how it comes... more often by helping others. Just imagine the happiness that one might get when he happens to help a blind person in crossing the road. Or probably helping an old aunty and uncle in getting something from the markets which he / she are not able to due to their old age. It costs nothing, but will grow happiness in each others' heart and soon the world around you will be a happy place. By livng this way, you will help Big Boss in fulfilling its objective. Not the Big Boss that comes on TV but The Big Boss that governs the whole world, the almighty.
I hope I am able to deliver my views on Big Boss in our life. If you have something, do write in your comments.
Thursday, December 03, 2009
No reason to get married
It’s my marriageable age according to my friends and family, but I haven’t found a reason to get married. Just because I have a decent pay packet, a nice family, doesn’t motivate me to go and find a life partner for myself.
One of the reasons behind it is the adjustment (which few call sacrifices) that one has to go to float the marriage. If one thinks honestly, how much sacrifice we make to live with our parents, or to make friends. The answer is absolutely nothing!!!! We live with our parents because they really love us and we love them too. Similarly, we love our friends, because they shower us the love and help us when we need them.
But when it comes to marriage now a days, I have seen couples making too many sacrifices to live with each other. The love is somewhere lost or was never there from the beginning. What was present from the beginning is some hope, some financial status, some social status which couples strive to maintain till the very end.
Hence what I think is to find friends, make everyone happy around you and hope that god provides you the one who is more of a friend than a partner. And if you don’t get one, live alone and be thankful to god that he is not tying to soe superficial relationships that create more emptiness in your heart and in your life.
Sorry guys!!! If I have shaken you up with my negative thoughts on the marriage but the fact is that I don’t want end up as a family cow who is milked by every person and finally be thrown to the butcher when has nothing to offer.
Good Night….
Wednesday, December 02, 2009
Find your path and be successful

One of its stanza states:
"Madiralaya Jaane ko chalta hai peene waala,
Kis Path se jaaon asmanjas mein hai bhola bhala,
Alag alag path batalaate sab,
Par main yeh batlata hun,
Rah pakad tu ek chala chalPaa Jaayega Madhushala..."
Those who don't understand Hindi much, the poem talks about a person who wants to go to bar to have drink, but doesn't know the way to the bar.
The poet narrates that the person meets many people on the way to the bar and everyone tells him to follow a different path to find it. He is confused and doesn't know whom to believe. The poet comes to its rescue and tells him that if he wants to find the bar, he should trust any one person and follows his direction. He will surely find the bar in the end.
In other words, life is too the same. There are so many sects, so many religions, so many beliefs that one gets confused which one to follow to make ones life successful. But what he doesn't realize that each one of these beliefs gives the common messages to the followers:
1) Love everyone
2) Help Others
3) Spread Happiness
4) Pray to almighty
5) God is one
6) Do not cheat or betray
7) Meditate
Every path is good, provided it helps your grow awareness and become a better person than before. Henceforth, one should not live in the state of confusion for too long. In the end, one needs to follow certain belief and adopt it teachings in one's life to make it successful.
"Find your path and be successful in your life."