He is now partially deaf, blind and lost his right hand as well... All this to save people around him...
He is not Patriotic Major Kuldeep Singh (Sunny Deol) of Border fame but not less than that... He is not courageous Khairuddin Kishti (Nasserudin Shah) of Karma fame but lot more than that... He is a Real hero not the Reel hero...
He is Kuldeep Singh, DTC driver who came into limelight in wake of Delhi Blast last year when he saved many lives by throwing an explosive away from the bus that he was driving. Unfortunately, bomb blasted in his hand and he was badly wounded. Since then, he is undergoing treatement at AIIMS to revive his eye sight.
Oct 29th, 2005; the day when terrorists again decipherd their brutal nature into bombs that took more than 70 lives and injuring more than 200 people. Lives of those, who are unknown to them, lives of those who have no enmity with them and of lives of those who were totally unaware of what's terrible coming their way on this Diwali's eve.
The toll could have been much higher, if Kuldeep Singh wouldn't have shown his great presence of mind. Terrorists, in their evil pursuit of blood, wrapped one of the bombs in a plastic bag and planted under a seat of a DTC bus driven by Kuleep Singh. Incidentally, one of the passengers saw the suscipious bag lying under a seat.
On seeing this, Kuldeep Singh immediately asked people to move out of the bus and rushed to the seat under which it was planted. Soon he realized that the bus is loaded with 9 CNG cylinders and if this bomb is not defused soon; could rip off the entire area. Showing his courage and sense of bravery, he picked the bag and took it away from the bus. Sadly though, the bomb blasted when he was about to throw it away in a secluded place. These sudden events took him to nation's centerstage and made him the National hero.... A real Hero who is brave and courage enough to stand up to the cause, when it really matters the most.
Sadly though, the man who refused to let himself down against external forces is feeling betrayed by his fellow people for whom he endangerd his own life. Politicians came to meet him at the hospital, saluted his bravery epic, promised their support to him and his family and again went into their shell. Nothing is done except the free medical care at AIIMS.
Media too were not behind either. They immediately rushed to get his pictures, went to his house, took interviews of everyone in the neighborhood, his relatives, his family and after cashing on every TRP opportunity again seem to forget him. Probably they will again wake up after six months or so, put blame on politicians, gain some TRP ratings and go back to their conventional business of sting operations and spy cams.
We, the respected citizens of Delhi, are perfect example of weak and surrender persona. Kuldeep Singh was discussed in every household and in every office during lunch time but his sacrifice again seem lost amidst our set of petty problems.
Yet, the reality is that Kuldeep Singh is still alive and in a terrible state. He has lost his vision. His arms are not working either and he is looking for people who promised him financial support.
1) Will Politicians come forward and fulfill their promises??
(Instead of supporting his family, Delhi Govt is deducting HRA from his salary and leaving him with paltry Rs. 5,000 to support his family)
2) Will anybody give him a decent job to feed him and his family stomach respectfully?
(He is being allotted new profile of Vehicle Inspector with DTC for which he will be given Rs 5,000 only. Is that enough to support a family??)
3) Will media continue to highlight him and stand up for his cause, as it should be?
(Instead of trapping good-for-nothing politicianswith spy cams, try to focus your camera on these unsung heroes of our society)
4) Will we all come forward and invite him back to the mainstream society?
(Friends... We all should awake and feel responsibilty)
Kuldeep is a real hero and still as brave as always. He is still optimistic to drive the bus again, wants to see his son grow into another hero like him and planning to visit Vaishno Devi shrine with his family once he is discharged from the hospital...
Today, after around 5 months of this tragic incident, do we have few seconds even to think about this man who saved so many lives without caring a bit about himself or his family??
Friends, enjoy your weekend tomorrow, go out with family and friends, party hard as you always do... But do give just few seconds to these forgotten heros like Kuldeep Singh because of whom we are living secure in this forgettable and erstwhile intolerant society...
Jai Hind!!!!!!!