Indrani Mukherjee can has brought the negative side of Indian Media Sensationalism to the shore. Imagine, the kind of coverage it is getting on all media platforms from TV to Social Media as if it hurts the nation as a whole.
Though the fact is that this case is like many other cases of Cold Blooded murder which our security and intelligence agencies solve day & night.
During the same period when Indrani Mukherjee saga has been running on TV, a brave soldier has laid down his life in Kashmir before killing 11 militants in as many days, Financial Markets of the country have meltdown like anything, US Dollar has reached 67, continuous shelling from across the border, someone also won Khel Ratna awards and many more events which has impacted the nation. But those are nowhere on the screen :(
I feel Indian Media should act more maturely now. If they won't then either they will lose viewership to other forms such as TV Soaps, Knowledge channels such as Discovery or may be a global media giant which will find this vacuum to enter into India and deliver somewhat better content.
Indian Media should remember that people like Sensationalism to an extent. Steadily, people have begun to realize that Indian Media drives content with minimum accountability. And in times to come, the bread & butter of Indian Media will be given by raising questions which impact common man lives, not by showcasing what size of Briefcase had bought by Indrani or to whom she had talked to.
Hope Intellect Prevails...